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In 1946 the World Health Organization formulated the definition of Health as the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Reflexology is an Alternative - Complementary - Holistic Application that promotes the Self-healing capacity of our body. As a Holistic method, it recognizes in the human all three levels of Soul-Body-Spirit as well as the environment’s effect on him and aims at the overall Balance and Well-Being.

It is applied by applying gentle pressure and manipulations on the reflex points of each system and organ located on the soles, hands, ears and in corresponding areas of the body. The goal is always to balance and thereby improve their function.

Reflexology works:

  • On a Physical - Physical level mainly through the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous system, triggering reflexive processes that improve the function, nutrition and detoxification of all systems and their organs.
  • On an Energy-Electromagnetic level through the balancing of these fields but also the contact with the trained Reflexologist.


    Reflexology can help with a variety of problems and conditions such as:

    • Musculoskeletal: neck, back, waist, upper and lower limbs, but also cramps, chills, muscle spasms, bruises, arthritis, etc.
    • Endocrinological: thyroid-parathyroid, metabolic, diabetes, adrenal fatigue syndrome, etc.
    • Nervous system: anxiety, insomnia, migraines, Parkinson's, paralysis, neuralgia, etc.
    • Respiratory: asthma, sinusitis, cough, pharyngitis etc.
    • Urinary tract: incontinence, prostatitis, urinary tract infection, kidney problems, etc.
    • Gynecological - Male: vaginitis, cysts, menopause, dysmenorrhea, infertility, impotence, prostate etc.


    Also in problems of all the sensory organs as well as the lymphatic, digestive and circulatory system.


    The session can last from 45 to 60 minutes and consist of application to the soles, hands, ears and corresponding zones. Also, the Reflexologist can use various advanced techniques such as: aromareflexology, color reflexology, axial, triangular (for psycho-emotional issues) etc.

    Usually from 10 to 15 sessions are required, the first 6, 2 to 3 times a week and then the applications are diluted to 1 per week every 15 days per month etc.

    Reflexology can be combined with other alternative methods such as acupuncture, cupping, electroacupuncture and of course complementary and cooperative with any treatment of classical medicine.


    The history of Reflexology seems to begin many centuries ago around 3000 BC. In China there are written references in "The Yellow Emperor's book of internal Medicine". In Egypt and India we have wall paintings depicting healing on feet and hands (2330 BC). But also in ancient Greece in Asklepiia, a form of pressure therapy and otoreflexology was applied with pressure on the ear, of those who had some physical pain, with leguminous fruits such as lentils and chickpeas.

    Unfortunately, over the centuries with the destruction of the library of Alexandria and also during the Middle Ages, it is believed that many elements were lost.

    In recent history, the introducer of Zone Therapy in 1913 was Dr. Fitzgerald, an otolaryngologist at Boston and Connecticut hospitals in the US. who discovered, among other things, that applying pressure to the fingertips has an anesthetic effect on the face.

    The "transition" from Zone Therapy to Reflexology was made by physiotherapist Eunice N. Ingham. Having the opportunity to take care of many patients, she observed the reflex points of the extremities and their relationship with the organs, and the functions of the body. She wrote two important books on the new method. Her students such as Doreen Bailey followed her work into the present day.

    Reflexology is currently considered one of the most popular complementary methods and is practiced in hospitals around the world.

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